Adobe Photoshop Basic (conducted in English)
You will learn
Photoshop can, with its many options and tools, be a little unmanageable to get started with. Therefore, we have developed our Photoshop basic course, where you get a thorough and educational introduction in how to use Photoshop tools as intended. We will look at different workflows, regarding retouching profile images, clipping, color adjustments, image resolutions, web icons, etc. This allows you to become faster in your image processing and be able to explore more on your own afterwards.
After the course you will be able to:
Insert logo and text on images
Crop and retouch images
Work with layers and releasing images
Insert filters and effects
Work with all types of colors - CMYK, RGB, Pantone
Export images in different sizes and formats (web and print)
In the section, ”Course Details” below, you will find more details about the content of this course in PhotoShop.
You get
Before the course
The opportunity to speak with one of our instructors about finding the right course for you.
During the course
Teaching by the most experienced instructor team in our cozy and fully updated classrooms located in the center of Copenhagen.
A course that consists of a both theory and practical exercises. We know the importance of having practical exercises and hands-on is always in focus during the courses.
A course material you can use as an encyclopedia after the course and downloads of course exercises.
All meals, which includes breakfast, fresh coffee, tea, fruit, soft drinks, lunch in an Italian restaurant on Gråbrødretorv, cake, candy and off cause Wi-Fi to your devices.
A course certificate as a proof of your new skills.
After the course
Access to our free hotline service, which means that you up to a year after the completing of the course can contact us if you have questions regarding subjects from the course.
We have a unique satisfaction guarantee in order to ensure you the complete benefit from the course.
Get the best benefit from the course
You do not need to have previous experience with Photoshop, but we recommend that you show up on the day of the course, willing to learn, and we can promise you the best possible course experience.
Course Details
Introducing Photoshop
In this module you will be given a general presentation of the program, including the user interface, the different tools and how to navigate in documents.
The following will be covered:
User interface, tools and panels
Defining the setup of the program
Basic rules when working with Photoshop
A very important factor when working with Photoshop is the understanding of how the quality of the image defines (limits) what you can and can’t use the image for. Here you will learn how to ensure that the image is of the right quality (resolution). You will also learn about the different color modes RGB and CMYK.
The following will be covered:
RGB-versus CMYK
Resolution and size for print and web, respectively
Basic adjustments in photos
Here you will get an introduction to the basic image adjustment tools in Photoshop. You will learn to adjust colors and brightness and you will learn to crop away excess areas of the image.
The following will be covered:
Crop and scale images
Levels and colors, brightness and contrast and color adjustments
Basic selection in images
Before almost every adjustment made in Photoshop you must select what area(s) of the image you want to adjust. Here you will learn how to make these precise and detailed selections.
The following will be covered:
Selection tools
Edit selections
Adjust the edge of a selection
Keyboard shortcuts for selecting
Save and reuse selections
Layers and layer effects
By using layers you will get more control over the changes you make in the image. You will learn how to hide and/or lock different details in the images to ensure that you don’t make changes to the wrong details in the image. You will also learn to use masks to hide certain areas in an image.
The following will be covered:
The layers panel
Create and delete layers and link layers together
Opacity in layers
Different types of layers
Layer effects and layer masks
Blend modes
Retouching in Photoshop
Retouching in Photoshop is about manipulating the image itself. You can add, remove, change, move, recolor details and much more. A lot of tools for retouching will be looked at.
The following will be covered:
Clone stamp tool
Adjustment brushes
The history panel
Basic retouching
Content-Aware tools
Text tools in Photoshop
Here you will learn the different text tools and settings in Photoshop. You will learn to input text, format it and add different effects such as drop shadow and gradient color.
The following will be covered:
Create text layer
Formatting text and text effects
Export to other programs
In this module we will introduce you to which image formats are the best suited for use in different medias such as print and web.
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