This course teaches Azure Solution Architects how to design infrastructure solutions. Course topics cover governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, and migrations. The course combines lecture with case studies to demonstrate basic architect design principles.
Successful students have experience and knowledge in IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platforms, and governance. Students also have experience designing and architecting solutions.
Skills gained- Design a governance solution.
- Design a compute solution.
- Design an application architecture.
PrerequisitesBefore attending this course, students must have previous experience deploying or administering Azure resources and conceptual knowledge of:
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure compute technologies such as VMs, containers and serverless solutions
- Azure virtual networking to include load balancers
- Azure Storage technologies (unstructured and databases)
- General application design concepts such as messaging and high availability
Før kurset- Mulighed for at tale med en instruktør, der kan hjælpe dig med at finde det helt rigtige kursus.
På kurset- Undervisning af Danmarks mest erfarne instruktørteam i hyggelige og fuldt opdaterede kursuslokaler i centrum af København.
- Et kursus bestående af en vekslen mellem teori og praktiske øvelser. Vi ved, hvor vigtigt det er, at du får tid til at arbejde med opgaverne i praksis, og derfor har vi altid fokus på hands-on i undervisningen.
- Et kursusmateriale, som du efterfølgende kan bruge som opslagsværk samt et opgavesæt, der understøtter kurset.
- Fuld forplejning, som inkluderer morgenmad, friskbrygget kaffe, te, frugt, sodavand, frokost på en italiensk restaurant på Gråbrødretorv, kage, slik, og naturligvis Wi-Fi til dine devices.
- Et kursuscertifikat med bevis på dine nye kvalifikationer.
Efter kurset- Adgang til vores gratis hotline, som betyder, at du op til et år efter kurset kan ringe eller skrive til os, hvis du har spørgsmål til de emner, der er blevet gennemgået på kurset.
- Vores unikke tilfredshedsgaranti, som er din tryghed for at få fuldt udbytte af dit kursus.
Kurset bliver afholdt på dansk, men vi benytter Microsofts digitale materiale (DMOC), som er på engelsk.
Du vil efterfølgende have adgang til materialet både online og lokalt. I tilfælde af at Microsoft laver en ny version af kursusmaterialet, vil du automatisk få adgang til det. Derudover vil du have adgang til øvelser via Microsoft Labs Online i 180 dage i alt, og du kan derfor fortsætte eller starte forfra på en øvelse hjemmefra, under eller efter kurset, alt efter behov.materialet både online og lokalt. I tilfælde af at Microsoft laver en ny version af kursusmaterialet, vil du automatisk få adgang til det
Module 1: Design governance and compute solutions
In this module you will learn about governance and compute solutions.
Lessons- Design a governance solution
- Design a compute solution
Lab : Case studiesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:- Design a governance solution.
- Design a compute solution.
Module 2: Design storage and data integration solutions
In this module, you will learn about non-relational storage, relational storage, and data integration solutions.
Lessons- Design a non-relational storage solution
- Design a relational storage solution
- Design a data integration solution
Lab : Case studiesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:- Design a non-relational storage solution.
- Design a relational storage solution.
- Design a data integration solution.
Module 3: Design app architecture, access, and monitoring solutions
In this module you will learn about app architecture, authentication and authorization, and logging and monitoring solutions.
Lessons- Design an app architecture solution
- Design authentication and authorization solutions
- Design a logging and monitoring solution
Lab : Case studiesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:- Design an app architecture solution.
- Design authentication and authorization solutions.
- Design a logging and monitoring solution.
Module 4: Design network, continuity, and migration solutions
In this module you will learn about networking, business continuity, and migration solutions.
Lessons- Design a network infrastructure solution
- Design a business continuity solution
- Design a migration solution
Lab : Case studiesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:- Design a networking infrastructure solution.
- Design a business continuity solution.
- Design a migration solution.