MS-720 Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer kursus


In this course, you will learn how to plan, design, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot an integrated communications solution at an organization using Microsoft Teams. The course will cover Teams Phone with Calling Plans, Direct Routing, and Operator Connect, in addition to Teams devices, audio/video conferencing, and voice migration. Students will learn troubleshooting methodologies and how to resolve common telephony and voice problems.


The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer plans, designs, configures, maintains, and troubleshoots an integrated communications solution at an organization. The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer must be able to translate business requirements into technical architecture and designs for communication solutions. The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer is familiar with telecommunication technologies and has experience in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, and PowerShell. They must be able to deploy and configure Microsoft Teams Phone with PSTN connectivity through Direct Routing, Operator Connect, and Teams Calling Plans. The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer manages Teams-certified devices, audio/video conferencing, and voice migration. The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer collaborates with telephony providers and third-party vendors to enable advanced voice features in Microsoft Teams. The Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer also works with administrators for other workloads, including networking, identity, licensing, security, and compliance. To earn the Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer certification, candidates must pass Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams in addition to the MS-720 exam.

Skills gained
  • Plan and Configure Microsoft Teams Phone
  • Plan and optimize network performance for Teams Phone
  • Configure and deploy Direct Routing
  • Configure, deploy, and manage Teams devices
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot Teams Phone

Before attending this course, students should have intermediate knowledge of the following topics from MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams:
  • Plan and configure a Microsoft Teams environment
  • Manage chat, teams, channels, and apps
  • Manage calling and meetings
  • Monitor and troubleshoot a Microsoft Teams environment


Før kurset
  • Mulighed for at tale med en instruktør, der kan hjælpe dig med at finde det helt rigtige kursus.

På kurset
  • Undervisning af Danmarks mest erfarne instruktørteam i hyggelige og fuldt opdaterede kursuslokaler i centrum af København.
  • Et kursus bestående af en vekslen mellem teori og praktiske øvelser. Vi ved, hvor vigtigt det er, at du får tid til at arbejde med opgaverne i praksis, og derfor har vi altid fokus på hands-on i undervisningen.
  • Adgang til Microsofts digitale kursusmateriale (DMOC) samt Microsoft Labs Online.
  • Fuld forplejning, som inkluderer morgenmad, friskbrygget kaffe, te, frugt, sodavand, frokost på en italiensk restaurant på Gråbrødretorv, kage, slik, og naturligvis Wi-Fi til dine devices.

Efter kurset
  • Adgang til vores gratis hotline, som betyder, at du op til et år efter kurset kan ringe eller skrive til os, hvis du har spørgsmål til de emner, der er blevet gennemgået på kurset.
  • Vores unikke tilfredshedsgaranti, som er din tryghed for at få fuldt udbytte af dit kursus.

Kurset bliver afholdt på dansk, men vi benytter Microsofts digitale materiale (DMOC), som er på engelsk. På kurset bliver der stillet en Surface tablet til rådighed, som kan anvendes til læsning af materialet. Du vil efterfølgende have adgang til materialet både online og lokalt. I tilfælde af at Microsoft laver en ny version af kursusmaterialet, vil du automatisk få adgang til det. Derudover vil du have adgang til øvelser via Microsoft Labs Online i 180 dage i alt, og du kan derfor fortsætte eller starte forfra på en øvelse hjemmefra, under eller efter kurset, alt efter behov.

Releterede kurser:

MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security
MS-200 Planning and Configuring a Messaging Platform
MS-300 Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork
MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration
MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals


Module 1: Plan and configure Teams Phone

After completing this module, students will learn how to plan for and configure Teams Phone, including Calling Plans, Direct Routing, Auto Attendants, Call Queues, Operator Connect, and how to extend Teams Phone with additional services.

  • Plan for Teams Phone
  • Plan and optimize network performance for Teams Phone
  • Migrate voice services from Skype for Business Server to Teams
  • Configure Teams Phone
  • Configure auto attendants and call queues
  • Configure and deploy Direct Routing
  • Extend Teams Phone with additional services

Lab : Prepare the lab environment
  • Configure your lab environment
  • Assign permissions
  • Validate and manage licenses
  • Setup PowerShell for Microsoft Teams Administration

Lab : Configure your environment for Teams Phone
  • Evaluate your network requirements with the Network Planner
  • Use the Teams Network Assessment Tool
  • Configure a basic network topology for dynamic emergency calling
  • Configure voice policies
  • Prepare users for calling
  • Configure audio conferencing settings
  • Configure call queues and auto attendants

After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Plan and Configure Microsoft Teams Phone
  • Plan and optimize network performance for Teams Phone
  • Configure and deploy Direct Routing

Module 2: Manage Teams Phone

In this module, students will learn how to configure Teams Phone users, devices, and troubleshoot Teams Phone voice issues.

  • Configure and manage voice users
  • Configure, deploy, and manage Teams devices
  • Monitor and troubleshoot Teams Phone

Lab : Manage your Teams Phone Environment
  • Manage voice users
  • Manage Teams devices
  • Monitor and troubleshoot Teams Phone

After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Manage voice users
  • Configure, deploy, and manage Teams devices
  • Monitor and troubleshoot Teams Phone

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Læderstræde 22-26, 2. sal
1201 København K
Læderstræde 22-26, 2. sal
1201 København K
Mandag: 08.30 - 16.00
Tirsdag: 08.30 - 16.00
Onsdag: 08.30 - 16.00
Torsdag: 08.30 - 16.00
Fredag: 08.30 - 16.00