PL-900 Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Learn the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Common Data Service, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate a process with Power Automate, and build a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents
Candidates for this exam are users who aspire to improve productivity by automating business processes, analyzing data to produce business insights, and acting more effectively by creating simple app experiences.
Skills gained
Describe the Power Platform components: Power Apps, Power BI and Microsoft Automate
Describe the Power Platform components: Common Data Service, Connectors and AI builder
Describe cross-cloud scenarios across M365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and 3rd party services
Before the course
The opportunity to speak with one of our instructors about finding the right course for you.
During the course
Teaching by the most experienced instructor team in our cozy and fully updated classrooms located in the center of Copenhagen.
A course that consists of a both theory and practical exercises. We know the importance of having practical exercises and hands-on is always in focus during the courses.
A course material you can use as an encyclopedia after the course and downloads of course exercises.
All meals, which includes breakfast, fresh coffee, tea, fruit, soft drinks, lunch in an Italian restaurant on Gråbrødretorv, cake, candy and off cause Wi-Fi to your devices.
A course certificate as a proof of your new skills.
After the course
Access to our free hotline service, which means that you up to a year after the completing of the course can contact us if you have questions regarding subjects from the course.
We have a unique satisfaction guarantee in order to ensure you the complete benefit from the course.
The course materials Microsoft Digital MOC (DMOC) and Microsoft Labs Online will be used for this course. The course materials and lab exercises are in English. To benefit fully from our instruction, students need an understanding of the English language and completion of the prerequisites. The course will be conducted in Danish.
Module 1: Introduction to Power Platform
Learn about the components of Power Platform, ways to connect data, and how organizations can leverage this technology to create business solutions.
Power Platform Overview
Module Summary
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Identify when to use each Power Platform component application to create business solutions
Learn the value of using Power Platform to create business solutions
Learn the components and features of Power Platform
Module 2: Introduction to Common Data Service
The Common Data Service allows you to delve into powerful, scalable data solutions in the cloud. Learn what makes the Common Data Service tick and how it can work with the Power Platform to create unique and efficient business solutions.
Common Data Service Overview
Module Summary
Lab : Data Modeling
Create Solution
Create Entities and Relationships
Import Data
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Descibe the difference between Common Data Service and Common Data Model
Explain use cases and limitations of business rules and process flows
Explain what environments, entities, fields, and relationships are in common data service
Module 3: Get Started with Power Apps
Learn about the value and capabilities of Power Apps, and ways other organizations have leverage this technology to build simple applications for their business.
Introduction to Power Apps
How to build a canvas app
How to build a model-driven app
Introduction to Power Apps portals
Lab : How to build a canvas app, part 1
Create Staff Canvas App
Complete the App
Lab : How to build a canvas app, part 2
Create Security Canvas App
Lab : How to build a model-driven app
Customize Views and Forms
Create Model-Driven Application
Lab : How to build a Power Apps portal
Provision a Power Apps portal
Create a Portal Webpage
Change the Portal Theme
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Learn how other organizations digitize their processes using Power Apps
See Power Apps in action and learn options for making your first app
Learn about what Power Apps is and its business value
Module 4: Get Started with Power Automate
Learn how users can leverage Power Automate to improve business efficiency and productivity.
Power Automate Overview
How to Build an Automated Solution
Lab : Power Automate
Create Visit Notification flow
Create Security Sweep Flow
After completing this module, students will be able to:
See how Power Automate works and looks from the user's perspective
Build a simple flow
Learn the business value and features of Power Automate
Module 5: Get Started with Power BI
Learn how organizations can use Power BI to easily clean, display, and understand data to ensure better informed decisions.
Power BI Overview
How to Build a Simple Dashboard
Lab : How to build a simple dashboard
Create Power BI Report
Create Power BI Dashboard
After completing this module, students will be able to:
See how Power BI works and looks from the user's perspective
Learn how to build a simple Power BI dashboard
Describe the business value and features of Power BI
Module 6: Introduction to Power Virtual Agents
Learn about the value and capabilities of Power Virtual Agents and ways organizations can leverage this technology to build chatbot solutions for their business.
Power Virtual Agents overview
How to build a chatbot
Lab : How to build a basic chatbot
Sign up for PVA and Create a New Bot
Create topics
Test topics
Change the greeting
Publish the bot
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the business value and features of Power Virtual Agents
Build a basic chatbot
Learn essential components that make up Power Virtual Agents and chatbots
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