PowerPoint Templates (conducted in English)
You will learn
If you would like to be able to build templates for your organization to be used in PowerPoint and themes to be used all over in Office, this is the course for you!
This course in PowerPoint will provide you with skills to create themes (fonts and default colors of your company), as well as how to build templates to be used in PowerPoint. The themes you create can also be used in the rest of the Office applications (Word and Excel) in order to secure a uniform look in all your Office documents. The templates created are to be used in PowerPoint. You will also learn how to change the slide master behind the presentations, and how to create layouts to be used by all in the template.
After the course you will be able to:
Work with the slide master, slide layouts and place holders. Important know-how in designing your PowerPoint templates
Work with the master for notes
Work with themes (color, font and effects). Important tool when designing PowerPoint templates
Use the header and footer correctly in the template
Enter default settings for shapes, lines and textboxes
Understand the difference between templates and theme-files, and where they should be located
In the section, ”Course Details” below, you will find more details about the content of this course in PowerPoint
You get
Before the course
The opportunity to speak with one of our instructors about finding the right course for you.
During the course
Teaching by the most experienced instructor team, in our cosy and fully updated classrooms located in the centre of Copenhagen.
A course that consists of both theory and practical exercises. We know the importance of having practical exercises, and hands-on is always in focus during our courses.
A course material you can use as an encyclopaedia after the course and downloads of course exercises.
All meals, which includes breakfast, fresh coffee, tea, fruit, soft drinks, lunch in an Italian restaurant on Gråbrødretorv, cake, candy and off cause Wi-Fi to your devices.
A course certificate as a proof of your new skills.
After the course
Access to our free hotline service, which means that you, up to a year after the completing of the course, can contact us if you have questions regarding subjects from the course.
We have a unique satisfaction guarantee in order to ensure you the complete benefit from the course.
You will learn how to change an existing master regarding layout and design, and how you can have more masters in your presentation at the same time (more designs at a time). You will also learn how to create just the layouts needed in your company.
The following will be covered:
The slide master and its function and how to change this regarding formatting and graphics
The other masters and their functions and how to change these
More than one slide master in your presentation
How to create new layouts and deleting the ones not needed
Themes and templates
You will also learn how to create and use the company theme in means of using the colors and fonts of the company. A theme can also be used everywhere in the other Office applications. In this way you can uniform the looks of all the documents used in the company (whether it comes from PowerPoint, Word or Excel).
The following will be covered:
What is the difference between templates and themes?
How to use pre-defined themes and how to create your own theme
How do you create your own PowerPoint templates: How to get the right formats, logos, the positioning of text and objects, and how you create new layouts?
Creating templates including themes
Sections, hyperlinks and action buttons
You will learn to work with sections, so you, more easily, can find your way in your presentation. How you, for example can use a main menu, hyperlinks and action buttons, to go to different parts of your presentation. Can be very useful, as you do not want to broadcast your presentation in the same way and the same sequence every time.
The following will be covered:
How you create sections
How you create a main menu with links to sections in your presentation. How you create action buttons – for example in order to go back to the main menu from each slide, if wanted
How you use hyperlinks: By clicking on a picture during broadcasting you can go to a specific slide in your presentation or open another file or Web address
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